Market Cross provides radiation protection support for a key steel production development project

Market Cross has been asked to provide critical examinations, qualified radiation protection advice and radiation moniting services to asist in the development of a proprietary X-ray based steel assay system.

The type of support adapts as the project matures and this is due to design modifications and quality assurance requirements typical of a development project. We are looking forward to a successsful conclusion to the project when the prototype will go into in production and provide significant cost savings within the steel industry.

Red Cross Flag

Market Cross Donates to the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal

Today we are proud to announce that we have made a significant donation to the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal. This money will be used to distribute food and basic aid items and provide medical and psychosocial support for people arriving in Ukraine’s neighbouring countries such as Poland, Moldova, Slovakia and Romania.

Our usual remit is to donate to scientific and educational based charities in the local area but this year the heartbreaking and desperate situation in Ukraine together with the heroic actions of its population have inspired our members to make an exception. In fact, we have donated 15% of our entire annual profit for the financial year 2020/2021 to the British Red Cross.

We very much stand with the people of Ukraine.

Market Cross provides radiological protection advice to Royal Sussex County Hosptial

In collaboration with our partner and corporate member Cerberus Nuclear, Market Cross is providing radiological protection advice for the Trauma, Teaching and Tertial Care (3Ts) redevelopment project at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton. As part of our RPA Service, we use our experience in engineering measures and construction techniques to ensure that accidental radiation doses to engineers, hospital staff and patients are eliminated and that occupational doses are kept as low as reasonably practicable.

Royal Sussex County Hospital – photo courtesy of the National Health Service

Once construction is complete we will assist Cerberus Nuclear in the shielding integrity testing phase of the project. This will involve the use of industrial radiography sources and betatron accelerators all of which require strict radiological control.

Market Cross Social Accounts 2021

Market Cross UK Ltd’s Annual General Meeting 2021 was held yesterday at Dorset Innovation Park.

Again as part of our AGM, a presentation was made regarding our Social Accounts. These accounts are proof of our committment to local communities and the industries in which we operate and we are pleased to publish the latest verson here on our members site:

Social Accounts are an effective way to demonstrate positive community impact and show that our members carry out their committments in full. When you consider the pool of talent in our membership then the volunteer work, scientific presentations, safety training, sponsorship/donations and specialist risk assessments freely carried out by our members for the local communities really have an impact.

Click here to return to the News page.

Market Cross delivers the spark required to restart a site remediation project

Market Cross was the sucessful bidder to take over the remediation of a radioactively contaminated site in Kent. Previously, the work had stalled when the remediation contractor walked off site without notice, never to return!

The work, due for completion in April 2022, involves the repacking, re-assessment and consignment of contaminated materials.

In support of these operations Market Cross also supplies RPA and RWA services to ensure a safe working environment in accordance with IRR17 and safe and proper waste sentencing regime in accordance with EPR16.

The project is a further vote of confidence from the private sector about Market Cross UK’s ability to deliver challenging safety, quality and environment projects within a sensible budget.

Once again Market Cross delivers the spark required, without charging the earth.

Market Cross helps achieve a Safety Milestone in the Dreadnought Programme

Dreadnought ProgrammeMarket Cross has helped reach a significant construction and radiation protection milestone for a series of Critical Examinations at BAE, Barrow-in-Furness.

RPA support, including radiography dry-runs, critical examination planning, radiation risk assessment and radiation protection training were provided for BAE, the facility contruction company and the critical examiner.

The conclusion of the Critical Examinations was a significant step forward in the programme and one that means-tested the examination process, the facility design and the bulk shielding.

Market Cross Sponsors Dorset Country Museum

We are very pleased to announce Market Cross UK’s sponsorship of the Dorset Museum in Dorchester.

The sponsorship has been made in order that the museum can complete a major renovation project due to be completed in May this year. Please visit the museum’s website here. Or, better still, visit the museum itself when it opens. There you will see a wall mounted plaque in the Weston Building signifying Market Cross UK’s contribution.

Market Cross Completes International Package Design Safety Review

Market Cross has successfully concluded a contract to provide a Package Design Safety Review (PDSR) and a Package Design Shielding Assessment (PDSA) for an international company operating in Australia.

All aspects of the work were managed by Market Cross corporate members including a Market Cross Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) who carried out the shielding assessments and a Market Cross Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA) who carried out the safety review.

Natually, the project was delivered precisely on time and well within budget.

New Events and Secure Bookings Portal

Our new Events and Secure Bookings portal is now live. Please use this portal to book all Market Cross training courses and events.

This includes all versions of our Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS) training course, our Radiation Protection Course for X-ray users and our Basic Radiation Protection (BRP) course.

Find the link here:

Market Cross Social Accounts 2020

Market Cross UK Ltd’s Annual General Meeting 2020 was held recently via video conference at Dorset Innovation Park.

Again as part of our AGM, a presentation was made regarding our Social Accounts. These accounts are proof of our committment to local communities and the industries in which we operate and we are pleased to publish the latest verson here on our blog:

We believe that Social Accounts are an effective way to show a positive community impact and demonstrate that our members carry out their committments in a range of ways. When you consider the pool of talent in our membership then the volunteer work, scientific presentations, safety training, sponsorship/donations and specialist risk assessments freely carried out by our members for the local communities really have an impact.